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Bible Study: Manifested Sons and Daughters

God has a magnificent future planned for you.  It is time for the Kingdom of God to begin to fully manifest on earth.  The heart of God is that His full grown sons and daughters manifest on the earth to rule and reign with Him to establish His Kingdom upon this earth.

Manifest means, clearly apparent to the sight or understanding, obvious, or readily perceived by the senses and especially by the sense of sight.  There are also several synonyms, crystal clear, open-and-shut, straightforward, transparent, unequivocal, unmistakable, and tangible.  Manifest is too clearly and plainly make known who you believe in and who you serve.

Manifested sons and daughters are overcomes.  They will carry the Glory of God to all the earth.  Because the earth is crying out and in travail the Lord is bringing forth a truly overcoming people.  This group, remnant of God will be the Bride of the Lord, they are being formed into Kingdom of Priests and Kings to our God now!  Revelation 2:25-27 says, “Nevertheless, hold fast to what you have until I come.  And to the one who is victorious and continues in My work until the end, I will give authority over the nations.  He will rule them with an iron scepter and shatter them like pottery – just as I have received authority from my Father.

Manifested sons and daughters will operate in a new level of power.  When they speak, the earth will have to listen and will have to produce.  They will speak to the land, the sea, and air, and things will happen immediately. They will operate in the authority that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit operate because they gave you this power.  You see an example of this in 1 John 3:8, The one who practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning.  The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil.  Jesus was manifested in the flesh to destroy the power of the devil.  He is God’s example to show you that what God did for, and in Jesus, He can do for and in you.

If you are going to manifest the very power and presence and life of God in the Earth, then you must get the flesh out of the way.  You will never have the power of God in a full manifestation if you continue to think and act in the natural.  You must be taken out of the ordinary and taken into the extraordinary.  You must live with a glorious position, over the flesh, the devil, and everything of the world.  God has manifested upon you His glory that you may be of son-likeness to Him.

The manifested sons and daughters will be the light in the dark world.  When those in light speak, it will be like fire and lightning coming out of them.  The light that is in you is painful to the darkness.  Demons will be tormented and live in pain, because of the light.

In order to be a manifested son and daughter, you must choose it by obeying what the Lord says.  Give Him permission to enter in and indwell in you.  This will require a new and deeper intimacy with Jesus and being one with Him.  You must go to higher levels, believing in Him, and understanding the power and authority He has given you.

Your faith is God in the soul.  Faith is active, never dormant, faith is the hand of God.  Faith is the power of God.  Faith never fears, is always active and moves even things that cannot be moved.  Sin will be removed by faith.  You must get the Word into your soul in order to be willing and ready.  Revelation 3:20 says, ” Behold, I stand at the door and knock.  If any man hear My voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and sup with him, and he with Me.”

Sin cannot be a part of your life if you are looking to go to this next level.  You cannot play with the enemy and then try to rule over him.  You cannot sin all you want and think that grace will cover it.  You will have no authority over the enemy, and the enemy knows that God does not tolerate any form of darkness in Heaven, and He does not allow it.   So if you want to manifest and demonstrate for the living God, and do powerful things like go to a  funeral and raise someone from the dead that was cremated, then you must clean your life up.  Live your life sold out for God, holy and on fire for Him, not worried about what the world says.

When you are a manifested son, sin won’t even be a thought in your mind.  You will be so filled with God going forward into the Kingdom making great conquests, taking territories, atmospheres and visions back that have been stolen by the enemy.  Matthew 11:12 says that, “From the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent men take it by force.  The Bible says that y0u are Kings and Priests unto our God, because of the presence and person of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit living in us.  The Father has ordained you to rule and reign, and have power an authority over this earth.  Because y0u are Kings and Priests, these are spiritual levels of eternal authority you have to choose to pursue them.

Stand up and start speaking the power and life of God into this Earth.  Ask the Lord to set you on fire with a baptism of fire and understand the power and authority given to you.  Remember that you cannot be living  a life of sin and unrighteousness and expect to be given this kind of power and authority.  Choose to manifest the presence, the existence and the power of Jesus Christ.

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