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Bible Study: Binding and Loosing

In the verse above you see the heavenly authority given to you through the principle of binding and loosing.  You have been given Kingdom Authority to act on heaven’s behalf.  You have been given dominion over the earth.  Binding and loosing is the transfer of authority from eternity into time and means to forbid or to permit.  You have a legal right to use this power by Jesus’ death and resurrection.  He gave you all power and authority on earth through the shedding of His blood.

The binding and loosing of the Kingdom of Heaven is a power that is promised to you.  Matthew 16:19 says that, ‘And I will give unto thee, the keys of the Kingdom of heaven, and whatsoever thou shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven.’  A key is a symbol of authority.  In this verse the key represents the authority and power to do the works of God.  If you loose and bind with authority (key), you will see mighty miracles of God.

Binding and loosing is another weapon the Lord has given you on earth to fight in the spirit.  This is another way to operate in your authority.  Spiritual warfare is real, and Jesus gave you all that you need to live victorious, God fearing lives here on earth.  He did not tell us to occupy until He returns without giving us the power and authority to do it.  This is evident in 2 Corinthians 10:4, For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty to God to the pulling down of strongholds.

Binding and loosing has a lot to do with what you put in your soul.  The Bible says, what you put in your soul is what you will become.  The Father says to guard your heart, because that is where your soul is.  What is in your soul will be spoken out of your mouth.  That is why He has given you the keys to the Kingdom (binding and loosing).

You want to loose from your soul every trauma, addiction, fear, unworthiness, offense, whatever it is that the enemy has tried to put in you.  You can loose every bit of it from your soul like it was never there.  Loose all the stuff of hell or wicked men or sinfulness.  Then you want to bind to your soul the life of God, the love of God, the presence of God, His joy, His celebration, His validation, and His creativity.

This is how your soul prospers.  God desires above all else that you prosper and live in health.  If your soul is prospering as it is filled with God, you will speak words of life.  Your whole body will line up according to the word.  All sickness and disease will begin to leave your body and soul.  Loose the darkness from your soul and watch the light begin to fill you.

When you loose something from your soul, heaven will come down and pull it out of you.  If you look up what loose means, it says you are free from confinement or imprisonment.  Therefore all the things that you have loosed from your soul are gone and your soul is no longer imprisoned in the darkness.  Heaven has no record of it because it has been loosed also in heaven.

When you look up what it means to bind, it says to secure, to hold, to fasten.  So you want to bind or secure all the good that the Lord has for you to your soul.  You want the life, joy, passion that God has to be deep down in your soul.  You want His light to shine bright in you, and be a reflection of Him.  Your soul will prosper because you bound the will of God to your soul.  When you bind the will of God to you, you will live joyfully in this earth, filled with life and expectancy.

A good way to remember all this is that the divil is not bound in heaven, because he is not in heaven.  So you cannot bind him.  You want to loose him from your soul, get him out of there.

It is always important to remember to say what you are loosing and binding out loud.  Your words have life, and God wants to hear them.  Genesis 1:3 says that, then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.  He did not think it and it came to be, He spoke it into existence.  You need also to speak your words into existence.

If you need healing, I would say, I loose the spirit of infirmity from my soul and I bind the healing given to me by Jesus’ blood to my soul.  When you start to operating in the authority you where given, satan will flee from you.  Why do you think he always tries to keep you negative and weak.  Because he knows the power that you carry, even if you don’t know it.  He is afraid of you, and he wants to keep you down.  Rise up in your authority and kick him out!

When you loose stuff from your soul, you will have freedom.  God needs you whole, prospered, empowered and dangerous.  In order to be those things He needs you free form all the darkness and bondage.  We are in the Kingdom Age and God needs you manifesting for Him.  Because whatever is in you will manifest itself out.  You need to be totally free from darkness so that it does not cloud your thinking, choices, or emotions.  He needs you set on fire for Him, operating in all power and authority given to you by Jesus.

If you are feeling miserable or angry, take a look at your soul and see what you have allowed to come into you.  Whether it is someone’s words spoken over you or what you watched or listen too.  Get rid of it from your soul.  Loose it from yourself, and bind the love of Christ to you.  Begin to use the keys of the Kingdom to live a powerful, victorious life here on earth.  Be dangerous for Christ, and make the devil flee from you.

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