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Bible Study: Covered By The Blood


To understand what it means to be covered by the Blood we must first look at the Old Testament.  In the Old Testament the Hebrews would sacrifice a spotless lamb so that they could be protected and delivered from the blood of the lamb.  In the New Testament our sins where bought and paid for by the Blood of Jesus.  Once you have repented of your sins, and are a born again believer you are covered by the Blood.

Being covered by the Blood of Jesus; atones for our sin (Leviticus 17:11), establishes a New Covenant (1 Corinthians 11:24-25), justifies those who believe in Jesus (Romans 5:8), produces redemption for us believers (Ephesians 1:7), brings us closer to God (Ephesians 2:13), reconciles believers to God (Colossians 1:20), makes believers Kings and priests (Revelation 1:6), purges your mind from dead works (Hebrews 9:14), gives us boldness and confidence to enter into the Holy Place (Hebrews 10:19), cleanses us from all sin (1 John 1:7).

The Blood of Jesus is a shield and buckler to protect you from satan and his adversaries.  Jesus’ Blood shields you from all attempts by satan to come against you.  Revelation 12:11 says, And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto death.

Everyday you must cover yourself with the Blood of Jesus because you will have daily warfare with the devil.  But satan is overcome by the Blood of Jesus.  We have victory over the devil by our redemption in Christ.  We overcome satan when we testify about the Word of God and what it says that Jesus’ Blood does for us.  Jesus’ Blood covers you, delivers you and protects you.  He paid the price for our freedom from sin.  We have the freedom to choose what is right and wrong.  Satan no longer has authority within our bodies because of the Blood.  1 John 3:8 says that, The Son of God was revealed so He might destroy the works of the devil.

Covered by the Blood means that your debt of sin has been paid and your forgiven.  The act of Him bleeding on the cross washes away our human sins.  The penalty for sin is death, and Jesus paid that penalty for us by His death and resurrection.   We could never fully understand the ultimate love that Christ has for us to be willing to die for us.  Being covered by the Blood is love beyond comprehension.  God is love.  The greatest expression of His love toward us is in the Blood of Jesus.  His love covers every need man has had or ever will have.  And every time we apply the Blood, we experience an outpouring of His love.  It is His love, through the Blood, that has created a barrier between you and all the works of the devil.  Revelation 1:5 says that From Jesus the Faithful Witness, the Firstborn of the dead and the Ruler of the kings of the earth, to Him who loves us and washed us from our sins by His Blood.  All our sins are covered by His Divine Blood!  We are covered by the Blood.

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