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Bible Study: Gifts Of The Spirit

What is a Spiritual gift?  It is a God-given ability to further the Kingdom.  These gifts are the manifestations of the power and authority given to you by the Holy Spirit to accomplish His will on earth.

As we have studied in previous bible studies, you know that as a believer you have an inheritance of power and authority.  Along with your power and authority you where also given specific gifts to glorify God by revealing more of who He is.  In 1 Corinthians 12:7 it says that, But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all.  You where given gifts when you where born, with some receiving more than others.

These gifts of the Holy Spirit are to be used to strengthen and  have the Body of Christ empowered to do the work of the Kingdom.  These works are not for self gain or to further yourself, but to exalt Christ, to witness His power, to build up the Body and to enlarge the Kingdom of God.

God’s word tells you to earnestly seek your gifts.  By studying the word and seeking God, He will reveal your gift to you, if it is not already known to you.  Do not quench the Spirit inside of you.  1 Thessalonians 5:19-20 says to, Do not quench the Spirit.  Do not despise prophesies.  You have a purpose and calling in this world.  So let’s begin to study what the 9 Spiritual Gifts of the Spirit are.

1.The Word of Wisdom:

Wisdom is associated with fearing the Lord, or having a reverence and respect for God.  It entails loving His Word and being obedient to what it says.  Psalms 111:10 says, This fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom; all who follow His precepts have good understanding.  This gift gives you the ability and understanding of how to apply the Word of Knowledge.

2.  The Word of Knowledge:

Is having knowledge about something that you have no ability or means of knowing based of Human intelligence.  You have knowledge of God and His ways.

3.  Gift of Faith:

You are saved by faith.  This gift grows as you grow in your walk with the Lord.  With this gift you understand the power and authority that you operate in and you have the ability to move into miracles and wonders in His name.  You have no doubt that what God says will be done.  His word does not return void.

4.  Gift of Healing:

When you read the scripture,  you notice that gifts is plural because there are different kinds of healings.  It is the ability to act as an agent of extraordinary works of power in the realm of divine physical healing.

5.  Working of Miracles:

This is the ability to act as an agent of great works of divine power.  We see examples of this throughout the Bible from Moses parting the Red Sea to Jesus feeding 5000 people.  God is the same, He never changes and the miracles we see in the Bible, we will do greater because that is what scripture says.  Miracles are unexplainable and only manifest by the Holy Spirit.

6.  Gift of Prophecy:

Is a direct word from the Lord that is given to prepare, warn or build up.  It is a word that is delivered without error and with unfailing accuracy.  This gift requires you to spend much time in the Word and worshipping the Lord so that you may hear from Him.

7.  The Discerning of Spirit:

This gift equips the discerner to see evil spirits that are operating in someone’s life.  The Holy Spirit will expose these spirits so the person can be delivered and break free from the bondage.  Also you will be able to tell whether someone is sincere or have an agenda.  You will have Supernatural discernment, insight and knowledge involving different kinds of spirits.

8.  Different Kinds of Tongues:

In this gift the Holy Spirit gives you the Supernatural ability to speak in a foreign tongue that you have no ability to speak on your own.  Also can be called your prayer language.  God can give you a language direct from heaven that is not spoken of earth.  Satan can not come between this language because he does not know it.  You can ask the Lord for the gift of tongues and He will bless you with it.

9.  Interpretation of Tongues:

This gift is to interpret the tongue that was spoken.  This can either be for you or for the church.  1 Corinthians 14:27-28 says that, If anyone speaks in a tongue, let one interpret.  But if there is no interpreter, let him keep silent in church, and let him speak to himself and God.

When you begin to move about in the gifts that the Lord has blessed you with, you will notice that you are operating on a higher level in the Kingdom.  These gifts are direct, miraculous manifestations from the Holy Spirit.  When you operate in these gifts you can become an actual partaker in some of God’s divine rescue and deliverance missions.

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