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Bible Study: Garment Of Praise

In the verse above the Lord talks about a garment of praise.  What does it mean to put on a garment of praise.  A garment is a physical item of clothing.  But God is using it as a metaphor for being clothed in thankfulness and praise for the Lord.  God uses this image to show the drastic change He can make in your life.  He exchanges your old self for your new joyful life with Him.  The joy that lives inside you when you are made new glorifies the Savior that clothes you like a garment.

Through the garment of praise you will be filled with joy instead of a faint spirit.  In this passage you see how Jesus is working to bring healing and restoration to our hearts.  He will minister to your hearts and minds to bring truth and joy into your life.  You will be filled with worship for Hm.

Your spiritual garment of praise is a garment put on the inside of you instead of the outside.  It is designed by God to cover and replace the spirit of heaviness.  You notice that God uses the word “the” garment, not “a” garment.  When He uses “the”, it means it is the only way to rid yourself of the heavy spirit upon you.  He is the only way to your freedom, nothing else will free you.

In order to turn your sorrow onto thanksgiving, you must first be willing to bring your hurts and cares to the Lord.  By doing so He fills us with His presence and power.  Your focus will begin to shift from your problems to the Lord, and you will be stronger.  You will be filled with a new peace and grace to stand up against the enemy.

Jeremiah 17:14 says that, Heal me Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.  By casting all your cares and worries on Him you will begin to rely on the Lord and not yourself.  Proverbs 3:5 says, Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not of your own understanding.  With the Lord you are an overcomer and the victory over every battle has already been won.

Become a person of praise!  Fill your atmosphere with worship and praise and watch how fast you bounce back when life throws you a curve ball.  Put your faith in Jesus and watch what He does in your life.  Be a person of gratitude and thanksgiving and watch how fast people around you are drawn to the light inside of you.  You are anointed by God, so begin to operate in it.

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