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Bible Study: Authority

How many believers out there today do not understand the authority that they have been given by Christ.

So what does authority mean.  If you look it up in the Strong’s Concordance it means force, competency, freedom, delegated influence, liberty, power and strength.  This mean that we are backed by the power of God.  We cannot stop the forces of darkness in our own strength, but by the authority that we operate in Christ, we can stop it.  Ephesians 6 :10 tells us to, Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. That means we can tell the devil to get behind us, he has no authority over us.

1 Corinthians 12:27 tells us that, Jesus is the head and we are the body of Christ.  When Jesus rose from the dead, He transferred all authority on earth to His body (us).  Remember that everything Jesus did on earth, we too are to do and greater.  Matthew 28:18 says that, And Jesus came up and spoke to them saying “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and earth”.  He immediately gave us, His church, all authority on earth.  This is made evident in the next verse Matthew 28:19 where He says to, Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The authority is in His name.  His name is above all else.  The enemy has to flee at the sound of His name.  He gave us His name.  How awesome and powerful is that!  We have been given authorization to use His name.

The name of Jesus is still all powerful today as it was back then.  We are still commissioned to move in the supernatural gifts of Healing, miracles and speaking in tongues.  His name still has all power, all maggesty and all glory.  You have authority over disease and sickness.  You also have all authority over demons.  All you have to do is speak and sickness and disease will obey you, and demons will flee.

Get this revelation of His name in your spirit.  Start to speak in boldness and authority.  Knowing you are backed by the name of Jesus.  Do not just pray, begging the Lord to heal you.  No command that sickness to leave your body because His word says by His stripes I am healed.  Use your authority and start taking control of all that is going on here on earth.

You will never understand the authority of the believer with only your intellect.  You must get the Spiritual revelation of it.  You must believe it by faith.  Jesus took away the devil’s power to dominate us in any way.  Your job is to act on this truth.  Begin to learn how to use your spiritual authority in any situation.  Whether it be your health, your finances, protection or even the weather.  When you operate in authority nothing will be impossible for you.  You will be operating in the position of dominion that God has intended from the beginning.  You where made to be victorious!

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Kenneth Hagan
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