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Bible Study: Power Of The Blood

Do you understand the power of the Blood, and do you know how to use it and apply it to your life?  The Blood is our defense, and declares that we are free from the penalty of sin.  The Blood defeated satan and made us victorious.

Satan trembles at the mention of Jesus’ name.  He cannot handle when you cry out to Jesus.  He loses all his power over you when you call out to Jesus and apply His Blood to your life.  The devil is not a powerful being.  He only has the power that you give him.  Command the devil to flee from your life, and live as an overcomer!  Romans 8:37 says that, I am more than conquerors by Christ who loves me.  They who overcome the World are those who believe Jesus is the Son of God. (1 John 5:4-5)

Just one drop of His Blood was powerful enough to pay the price for the entire human race.  One drop has the cure for every sickness, disease or affliction.  The Blood can destroy every demon and attack the enemy tries to wage against you.  The Blood can supply every Spiritual, physical or financial need you have.

When you become a born again believer in Christ you are marked by the Blood of Jesus.  By being marked, you have the blessings of God on you.  His favor is on you.  His grace is with you and His angles protect you. You are blessed and highly favored!  Get that in your spirit, proclaim the blessings over your life.  Do not walk around defeated, but walk around with  authority and boldness.  Have a Kingdom mindset.  Nothing the devil throws at you can defeat you, you already won.  The victory is yours.  You are covered by the Blood!  The Blood is our weapon and shield.  1 Corinthians 15:57 says that, Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our God  Jesus.

We are to be joint-heirs with Christ.  This means we are given the same opportunities to use the powers of the Blood the Jesus had when He was on earth.  Romans 8:16-17 says that, The Spirit itself bearers witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children then; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ.  We have the same power to cast out devils, open lid eyes and make the deaf and mute to hear and speak.  Luke 10:19 says that, Behold, I give unto you power to tread on servants and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.  You can only use this verse when you are operating in the power of the Blood.

The truth of the Bible is to be preached and taught with signs, wonders, miracles and healings.  It is the power in the Blood that separates the Gospel truth from every other doctrine, religion, and philosophy.  It is the power in the Blood of Jesus and the miracles and healings that bring about the Gospel truth.

When a person denies the Blood and its power, they are denying themselves of eternal life in Heaven.  Jesus’ Blood has all power to heal, break every yoke, and supply your every need.  But, you must be born again to receive the power and benefits of the Blood.  Let Jesus’ blood was you clean, make you new and give you eternal life.

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Oxford University Press
Holman Bible Staff
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